depa golf day is on again

Is there anything better than hitting a golf ball off the tee, the beautiful sound of the ball launched off the sweet spot of the club, a perfect swing, a perfect follow-through and the pleasure of watching the ball arc into a clear blue sky, down the pristine and lush green fairway and so much further than anyone could have reasonably expected!

Buggered if I know, it's never happened to me but golf builds character. Deepak Chopra reckons if you can play golf with the right attitude you can live life with the right attitude. Nice. A bad shot is only a bad shot, the next could be a ripper.

That’s one of the reasons I love golf and the depa Union Picnic Day golf day is on again this year at Blackheath and you can join me on Metropolitan Union Picnic Day, Friday 9 March. We thank Local Government Super for their continued support.

Around a hundred members each year enjoy the joy and despair available from a morning of golf. This year we would like to encourage those who have never played at our Golf Day before to consider doing so. The day is not restricted to those in the metropolitan area - and Blackheath means the day is more accessible to those outside the Sydney metropolitan area.

We have had members from Shoalhaven, Wyong and Bland Shire attend and play, renew acquaintances, meet new friends and have a great experience with other depa members from across the State. Some make an overnight of it.

If you can't make up a team of four from your Council or with friends from other councils, we can find a team for you.

And to those of you who have never attended, there is no individual scoring or pressure, it is a team day played in an Ambrose (or four ball, best ball) which means that all players tee off together and all players play from the team's best ball. And so on. Great for bonding and building team spirit.

Please contact Louise by email or phone 02 9712 5255 and reserve your positions for this great day.

Brendan Hayes - Forbes Shire
We would like to resreve a spot for a team from Forbes.

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