Department of Planning creates its own Sagittarius A

Planning Ministers and the Department of Planning (or whatever name it’s known as over the years) has always had a role in making life difficult in Local Government. The introduction of private certification, accreditation of council employees, creating parallel accountabilities,the fantasy about standard model codes is and templates hammered over local government areas, and planning and environmental obligations without consideration of whether one size really does fit all, but the Planning Portal? Really?

Whose ludicrous idea was it to set up an arrangement that is currently, from reports from frustrated members across the state, meaning things that could have been done previously in 15 or 20 minutes can now take three hours?

Churning work, creating backlogs, irritating applicants, frustrating Council staff who want local planning instruments taking into consideration local conditions and practices, not standard conditions that frustrate everyone, sucking the joy out of planning and the hopes and dreams of Council planners, disappearing into the black hole.

And the State gets the fees! And the control.

How is your experience of the Portal?

If you’re wondering what portal, it’s the ****ing Portal, just to be clear. That’s how any member who rings us describes it.

Please let us know, don’t write the great Australian novel, just some summaries and hard-hitting points, so we have some broad information with which to pursue Government.

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