The last pay increase in the 2020 Award is from the first pay period after 1 July


When the 2020 Local Government State Award was made in June 2020, things were different. There was a pandemic, we had no idea about any likely impact on employment, there were public sector pay policies with limits, and we were lucky to get an increase of 1.5% from the first pay period after 1 July 2020 (much more than the State public sector subsequently received) and it provided increases of 2% from the first pay period after 1 July 2021 and 1 July 2022. The 2% increases were in anticipation that there would be an increase in the Superannuation Guarantee Charge from those dates as well.

Very soon after that final pay increase in July, the unions and LGNSW will get together their logs of claim and negotiations will begin.

We invite members to email us suggestions about what you’d like to see in the 2023 State Award.

There is plenty of time to do so and it goes without saying we understand that if inflation is running at 5%, then 2% or 2.5% just won’t cut it. And our experience with Covid reminded us that back prior to 1995, if you became sick or injured while on annual or long service leave to the extent that you didn’t get a benefit from the leave, then it could be recredited and you would get sick leave instead. It was forfeited as a cost saving in the bundle of others, but it’s worth reviving in the discussions this year.

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