Enough about everyone else, what about us? We’re having an election.

Election 2

We have elections for all members of the Committee of Management in 2022. The President, Vice President and four Members of the Committee have two year terms and the Secretary has a four-year term. Everyone is up for election this year.

As usual, the NSW Electoral Commission will be conducting the election and next week will post all financial members an Election Notice calling for nominations. If you don’t receive one, it means you aren’t financial, or you haven’t kept us up to date with your current address.

We like the idea of proportionate representation for the three professions we cover, and also our gender make up, which is getting very close to 50:50. Obviously there is a limit on our ability to do this, because it is a democratic system and anyone can nominate. We have a Committee of seven, six of whom are renominating and one member, who isn’t. Shona Porter was our delegate at the former Canterbury, then Canterbury-Bankstown, is now at Cumberland and has been a member of our Committee for the past four years. Thanks for your contribution, Shona.

In a perfect world, we would replace her with another woman planner under the age of 40!

It makes sense that the Committee is comprised of people who have been active in depa over the years as a delegate and member of the Consultative Committee, and if you are interested in standing for the Committee and would like some idea of how demanding the role is, the frequency of meetings, the complexity of agendas and business papers, we can tell you all about it.

The timetable for the election is:

7 March               NSWEC posts Election notice calling for nominations

22 March             Nominations close

If the election is uncontested, all candidates are declared elected at midday that day. It’s usually uncontested, we hope it continues to be uncontested. Apart from anything else, the costs double if there is an election.

Please email if you’d like more details.

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