Finally, something about us - it’s election time

Elections for the Committee of Management take place every two years, and for the position of Secretary every four years. This year will see the NSW Electoral Commission conduct an election for us for our new Committee of Management, other than the position of Secretary which was elected for a four year term in 2018.

Last year the Committee acknowledged the reasons why a Committee of ten was simply too big for an organisation our size. These days, with electronic communications, everyone is in contact with each other, and our structure needs to respond.

So the Committee resolved at its November meeting to amend our rules to move from a ten person Committee of one President, two Vice Presidents, and six Members (plus the Secretary) to a more compact group of seven, one President, one Vice President and four Members, and the Secretary.

depa and the NSWEC have agreed on this timetable for the election:

3 March               depa provides electoral roll to NSWEC

9 March               NSWEC posts election notices to all financial members and on their website calling for nominations

24 March             Nominations close

If there are sufficient candidates for the vacant positions, they will be declared elected. And if there are more candidates than there are positions, an election will follow.

There are three members the current Committee who have chosen to not re-nominate. President Jo Doheny will retire from local government this year, Vice President Joanne Dunkerley has been hit with the often-impossible logistics of managing a school age daughter and Brendan Hayes, in his new job at Parkes, will focus on that and EDAP.

We note and appreciate Jo Doheny’s contribution over the last decade. A great delegate for us at Gosford initially, a member of the Committee of Management, a Vice President and for the last few years President. Thanks Jo. Joanne was on the Committee for almost that long as well after a long period as our delegate at Great Lakes. Thanks Joanne.

And thanks Brendan.

There is a democratic process to be followed and all financial members are able to nominate. Sometimes it is a struggle for us to fill the nine positions and those most interested in what we do are active delegates or members of the Consultative Committee, and there is a limit to what can be asked of a volunteer.

If anyone is interested in standing for election, give the office a ring and we can talk through what’s involved. Otherwise we have enough current members re-standing not to worry. Relax, nothing to see here.


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