Food Regulation Forum

We’ve had a fluctuating relationship with the Food Authority over the years. We’ve criticised them for a lack of consultation; warmed to them when they committed to try harder; complained about bullying a new representative of ours on the Forum; allowed them to review how the Forum has been operating in having past and present representatives interviewed by the consultant after accepting that some things could be handled more sensitively, and now we have relatively high expectations for the future.

Even more so, when they call a meeting of the Forum to start at 1pm, for example, then they shouldn’t ask a few people if they’re happy to meet earlier, not ask some others, and then meet earlier.

depa has two representatives on the Food Regulation Forum and we have had two representatives since the days of our complaints about the lack of consultation and the Authority and NSW Health committed to properly consult with local government.

The Food Regulation Forum should be all about proper consultation with local government and the purpose of this note in depaNews is to remind EHOs with an interest in what goes on at the Forum that our two representatives are Julie Kisa, an EHO from Inner West Council (ex Marrickville) and Corey Stoneham, Manager - Environment and Health at Camden Council.

Both are relatively new representatives and are enthusiastic to hear from EHOs and other members with any operational or relationship issues arising from the Food Regulation Partnership in place between the Authority and Councils.

Julie and Corey he would be delighted to hear from you and to raise issues on your behalf. You can contact them on and .

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