Got the boss's job at last and don’t need us anymore?

Oh no, you’re not.

Every now and again, members of ours (and the other unions as well) get projected through the firmament and find themselves and their careers taking them to the top. We have a good number of members who are general managers, as does the LGEA and the USU. These are employees who understand the importance of being protected in their employment and that the need for protection doesn’t diminish the higher up you go in the organisation.

Then there are those who decide they can look after themselves. For us, that’s a tiny minority of members, but it’s timely to remind everyone that the standard contract for senior staff and general managers doesn’t remove the right to be represented, nor the capacity for depa, or the other unions, to act on behalf of their members and protect them from the vulnerability of that higher level of employment. At that level, being able to look after yourself is an illusion.

The most vulnerable employee in local government is the general manager and, while the frenzy of activity of good general managers being sacked after the last local government election has calmed down, the risk remains.

Making the decision that as bosses they are no longer vulnerable and need representation is demonstrably a bad call in local government. Bad judgements are not made in isolation. Like in kangaroos in the landscape, once you’ve seen one, you realise there are many.

The closer you get to the top, poor judgement and decisions that can cost you dearly.

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