Anyone for golf?

Anyone for golf is the wrong question. Is there anyone who wouldn’t love a pleasant walk around Blackheath golf course, on a perfect early autumn day, in the company of friends and colleagues? Golf is not a good walk spoiled, it’s a great walk enhanced.

The first depa Union Picnic Day Golf Day was first held in 2004 to allow members to get together on the union picnic day holiday in the State Award in the company of their workmates and friends. It has been a very successful and enjoyable event won, over the years, by Blacktown, North Sydney twice, Penrith, Bankstown twice, Lithgow, Leichhardt and Canterbury.

It has been cancelled twice. Once in 2012 when far too much rain made the golf course unplayable and last year when we struggled to get sufficient members interested in playing. Well, we struggled until we announced that we had cancelled it and then the calls and emails came in from people who were going to play, but hadn’t told us.

The depa Union Picnic Day Golf Day will be held on Friday, 13 March 2015 at Blackheath golf course.

We know we have some keen golfers desperate for the day to be back on but all members are welcome to make up a team from their Council, or with friends in other councils and come and join us.

Golf is a game where the frequency with which you play or practice has little relationship to the quality of your performance. And yes, sometimes people do wonder why they bother, it’s a challenge, it’s fun and you only have to hit the ball properly once or twice to understand the attraction.

Everyone is welcome. All you need is an appreciation of the beauty of Blackheath and a sense of humour.

No need to respond yet, but if you want to get an early spot, email Margaret on . We will publish reminders in each issue of depaNews until then.

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