Benefits of membership

Some reasons to join us...

1. We take a broad approach to advice and assistance on professional as well as industrial and workplace issues.

2. We understand what our members do for a living and our knowledge is thorough and detailed.

3. We have an unrivalled corporate memory because Ian Robertson has been the Secretary since May 1984 and nothing interesting has happened in that time that he wasn't involved in (or started) or knows about.

4. We negotiate the Local Government (State) Award with the two other unions and the LGSA and local Enterprise Agreements where they exist.

5. We talk to/lobby/try to influence Government about things we think should change and things we think shouldn't change. Historically, we have had good access to both sides.

6. We meet regularly with the NSW Fair Trading and they listen to us.

7. We give advice to members on contracts generally.

8. We go hard - on a pro rata basis we file more disputes in the Industrial Commission than any other union.

9. We file broad disputes that affect councils generally across the industry - with 75 councils about salary systems in 2000, with 130 councils to increase superannuation and TRPs in 2009 and currently across the industry about Drug and Alcohol policies.

10. We file individual and specific disputes, sometimes about conditions of employment of one member.

11. We have always hated term contracts and have successfully campaigned against them and their impact since 1991.

12. You can ring us and talk to someone who knows what they're talking about, will give sensible advice, knows about the industry and, if that can’t happen when you ring, you will get a call within 24 hours. Guaranteed.

13. We think everyone should have access to flexible work and changes in their hours to accommodate family needs and we do something about it.

14. We think no one should have to put up with bullying and harassment at work and we do something about it.

15. We give advice and represent you in performance management and disciplinary issues.

16. We give advice and contest the removal of things like payment for untaken sick leave where members have it as a condition of employment.

17. We think everyone should have a safe and hazard-free workplace and have run campaigns that led to smoke-free environments in councils and we made Gosford Council spend $1.1 million on a new air-conditioning system.

18. We like having councils do what we want and have them think it was their idea.

19. We like making councils do what we want - and the more belligerent, frustrating and thick they are, the better.

20. We give advice on how to lodge a local grievance and will help you draft it and the remedies you seek.

21. We give advice to members on workplace change and redundancy and help members who want to be made redundant after changes in their work.

22. We give advice and take action on virtually anything that arises at work, under the Award or any local Enterprise Agreement or policy:

  • cars and leaseback arrangements
  • variable and flexible working day systems
  • unreasonably rejecting applications for leave
  • unreasonably forcing employees to take leave
  • unreasonable management of sick leave
  • etc etc

23. We will always give you fearless, direct and accurate advice - whether you like it or not.

24 We will refer you to our lawyers for workers compensation claims and provide access for personal matters too.

25. You get Union Picnic Day under the State Award off.

26. You are covered by our Journey Insurance which insures you for injuries, death and other considerations arising from accidents that happen on your way to or from work, as previously covered by workers compensation. You are covered for up to 85% of your normal weekly pay up to a maximum of $3500 per week, and must be a financial member of depa.

27. You won't be embarrassed because the rest of your workmates and colleagues are members and they won't think that they're providing benefits to you for nothing.

If any further encouragement is needed, please call our office or email us.