What happens next?

Here is a Circular dated 12 June from the Office of Local Government, created over a number of weeks with the unions and LGNSW to end “Senior Staff” employment forever. This delivers on the consensus position in the industry established on 15 October 2021 after the LGNSW board unanimously resolved to support the removal of senior staff (apart from the GM) from the Local Government Act.

There is now a transitional period of three months until 1 September to allow current senior staff to transition to the State Award or relevant EA. During this time contracts which expire can be renewed if the employee prefers. There will be no new contracts after 1 September and at all times there will be access to the IRC if councils are difficult.

The OLG circular contains significant detail but the most important principle underlying transition to the Award or EA is the first dot point under the heading Key points:

“When transitioning from employment under a senior staff contract to employment under an award or Enterprise agreement, employers and employees must act reasonably. Employees should not suffer a net loss as a result of the transition.”

Love it, employees should not suffer a net loss.

For depa, this brings to a close 33 years contesting these contracts since they were raised in discussions in 1991 in the Exposure Draft Local Government Bill. The 29 March 2021 issue of depaNews, under the heading ICAC dogs it on Dasha will be all the history you need.