Sophie to the rescue!


In February we put a timer on Robbo’s Pearls to record how long the Labor Government had been in power in NSW. At that stage, Premier Chris Minns and Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig had been in power for around 315 days and for almost all that time the senior staff changes, supported by LGNSW and the local government unions, had languished in the office of the Minister for Local Government. We asked the question "what have you blokes been doing?", when it had been SFA.

The Premier was able to find the file in Minister Hoenig’s office and pass it on to Sophie Cotsis, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Work Health and Safety, and then it all happened. A draft Bill was prepared by the Department of Industrial Relations and the Minister's office, consulted with the three unions and LGNSW, and a final agreement was reached.

On Wednesday 8 May the Local Government Amendment (Employment Arrangements) Bill 2024 was introduced into the Legislative Assembly by Minister Cotsis, she delivered the second reading speech that day, and the pic above shows a triumphant Minister, and three equally triumphant local government union secretaries, after the second reading speech. This is a big deal.

Thank you, Sophie.

The Second reading was adjourned and was passed when the debate resumed on Wednesday 15 May.

There was no opposition to the bill and its effect of protecting senior staff by providing fair working conditions with the removal of "no reason termination", and moving senior staff to protection under the Award or relevant Enterprise Agreement. None. Everyone spoke glowingly of the fairness of it, despite many of them having been in government while this remained the situation over the last 30 years! FFS!

It was introduced into the Legislative Council on 15 May by the Treasurer Daniel Mookhey, passed the following day and returned to the Legislative Assembly.

It awaits the "assent" of the Governor of New South Wales, a process that is more correctly known as the "Royal Assent", just to remind us how much of our governance is still stuck in the 18th century.

After "assent", it will be law. You can start celebrating now.