We are updating our rules

Over the last few months, the Committee of Management has been considering a thorough review of our rules. The rules of industrial organisations like ours are regulated under the NSW Industrial Relations Act 1996 by the NSW Industrial Registrar. Unions and employers’ organisations operate under rules which reflect provisions of the Industrial Relations Act or provide generally for good governance, effective administration and protections and fairness to members.

The Committee of Management at the last meeting on 11 May resolved to modernise the rules, improve administration, better manage how members become members and continue as members, how better to remove members who disappear and don’t tell us, and to reflect electronic communication, financial controls and record-keeping.

These changes were agreed in principle by the Industrial Registrar and will now be submitted as a formal application. This isn’t a very exciting process but sometimes good governance and transparency aren’t.

You can expect the changes to be announced in our next issue and then on our site.