What's happening about the new Award?

There is no need to keep asking, the Board of Local Government NSW will meet on Friday 6 June and at that meeting will endorse a proposed new Local Government (State) Award for three years from 1 July 2014.

Negotiations over a long period have resulted in an “in principle” agreement between the negotiators for the employers and the unions. The “in principle” agreement needs to be ratified by the peak decision-makers at LGNSW, their Board of 24 councillors and, when it has been ratified, it will be formally offered to the three unions.

We will probably be advised on the afternoon of Friday 6 June of whether the Board has accepted or rejected the proposal, or fiddled with it, and we have high hopes that the board endorses what has resulted from a very cooperative and inclusive exercise.

You can expect to receive a special depaNews with details of the offer the week after.

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