Fit for the Future, or some other F word?

Well, the pressure is on this year. Councils floundering around about whether they will satisfy the NSW Government’s guidelines on fitness or whether they will be unable to get over the bar.

depa has always been enthusiastic about reforming the historic local government boundaries to develop stronger, better resourced councils more capable of paying market rates, providing family flexible work and proper training. We’ve seen too many councils simply incapable of funding their training needs, and ignoring the interests and welfare of their employees, to let the current arrangements of little organisations effectively trading insolvent, to continue.

Questions about the government’s commitment to boundary changes, an impending NSW State election and the nagging feeling that whatever happens, what you, or we want, is probably not going to be a major consideration, will make this an interesting year.

It’s in the Minister’s office but nothing’s happening. It has been:

since the Government and the Minister were appointed on 5 April 2023. We are still waiting for the legislative changes required.

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